Welcome to D&R Racking – Survey & Inspection

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974)

‘All work equipment must be maintained and inspected on a regular basis!’

‘All Racking must have an annual inspection by a trained competent person!’

‘All pro-active companies should have a monthly inspections program in place!’

Racking Survey Racking Inspections Pallet Racking Inspections

What We Do:

“We provide a racking and safety inspection service…”

      • When undertaking a site inspection we work to Health & Safety Guidelines.
      • Provided within the Site Inspection, a detailed plan and layout.
      • A detailed specification of weight loads and capacities.
      • Itemised location of damage.
      • Highlight any potential issues and problems.
      • Assessment of risk pertaining to the damage to your racking.
      • We put forward a course of action for repairs and maintenance.
      • Advise on the code of practice for the safe use of Racking.
      • Sema Trained Inspectors SEMA trained racking inspections Industrial Racking Inspections

Damaged Racking System for inspection


With over 30 years experience in all types of materials handling equipment, our dedicated SEMA Trained Inspectors we will provide our customers with a rack inspection report and detailed documentation that will provide piece of mind in the knowledge that they have complied with the current legislation.

In the report we will itemise the location of any damage to your pallet racking and shelving and recommend a plan to service the repairs
The Health and Safety Executive expects all sites that use pallet racking and shelving to have an up to date repair and safety procedure.

We would also be able to give you a quotation for any repairs required.Our Racking Safety inspections include:

      • Damage Assessments
      • Action Points from Survey/Inspection
      • Legislative Requirements
      • Option for damage Repairs
      • Option to purchase Load Notices
      • Structural Issues
      • Rack Identification
      • Risk Types And Loadings

We have been in the Pallet Racking and Commercial Shelving industry for many years and, as well as the inspections; we can also provide a wide range of new and used warehouse storage systems.
‘As a SEMA & SEIRS Trained Inspection Company, at Racking Survey we are 100% committed with keeping up to date with the latest legislation.